Moorgate, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4RY
Nursery School 01695 573470 and Munchkins Childcare 01695 581714


Children are eligible to access the Free Entitlement to Nursery Education (30 or 15 hours) within our Nursery School.

Each session in nursery is 3 hours and depending on entitlement children may attend up to 10 sessions per week.  The session times are:

Morning 9am to 12pm

Afternoon 1pm to 3pm or
Afternoon 1pm to 4pm

Children are able to attend two sessions on one day.


If attending a full day you will need to book your child into Munchkins for lunch club 12pm to 1pm or any additional wrap around care that you may require. 

Free entitlement can be split between the Nursery School and Munchkins Childcare.